The amount of times infantry can be promoted is defined by the ammo property, defaulting to 5. The civilian armory has the armory=yes tag that allows infantry to go inside to be promoted.Possible placeholder graphics for visceroid: PENGO - 'Replaces Visceroid graphics with placeholder images'. TOGGLE - 'Allowing or disallowing switch between video modes'. Stands for 'Totally Cool Mission Just 4 Fun'. THETEAM - Loads a custom tmcj4f.ini file after loading rules.ini, allowing custom rules to be used in skirmish mode. HIRES - Allows selecting resolutions up to 4096x4096 in the options menu. The following codes can be typed on the main menu to unlock different effects, a beep will happen when correctly entered. Unable to test what PENGO does for this reason. Specifically: Well I can see them in Game.exe but I can't seem to actually toggle them in Tiberian Sun (The First Decade) unlike Red Alert 2. Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.